WORKSHOP: How to Create that Special Room for Your Child

EnABLE Kids, LLC, is a private occupational therapy (OT) consulting business founded by Jean Sever, MS,OTR/L.  Its mission is to create in-home sensory environments for children with special needs whether neuro-developmental, emotional-behavioral, physical, or cognitive.  By setting up sensory spaces for development, we create daily opportunities for optimal sensory integration, self-regulation, and behavior. We help…

Extra Special Saturday – Chamblee

Parents & kiddos enjoy a break from each other!  Children enjoy playtime and music therapy. Registration required by calling FOCUS + Fragile Kids at 770-234-9111. Embry Hills United Methodist Church, 3304 Henderson Mill Road, Chamblee

Extra Special Saturday – Acworth

Parents & kiddos enjoy a break from each other!  Children enjoy playtime and music therapy. Registration required by calling FOCUS + Fragile Kids at 770-234-9111. Summit Baptist Church, 4310 Moon Station Road, Acworth.

MVP Boo-B-Que

MVP Boo-B-Que is a Party for our medically fragile children and their families. Email [email protected] or call FOCUS for more details @ 770-234-9111.